Ok so I haven't been on in forever but I thought I wOuld post some things on my mind about being only 14 in the yoyo world.
1. Money is a huge issue as you don't really have a steady job, or atleast I don't. I make at most 15 dollars a week which means it takes a some time to save up for certain throws and even if I get the money my parents say "bring me an A in math and the yoyo is yours" which is almost impossible for me! Whwoo glad I got that little rant out of my system.
2. People who purchase good expensive yoyos even when they don't have the talent to use them. I have this kid in my school who got kinda into yoyoing and I was all like "that's cool" so he can't throw any tricks just go up and down but he goes and orders a speed dial and noe I'm getting a little edgy but I think " it's an adjustable system so he's good." he just learns trapeze and instantly thinks he's ready for a dark magic II. Ridiculous...
3.HATERS!!! We have all had em but really it's harder than you think! They see you yoyo and then say something along the lines of "that's not cool I could do that" this is what makes me destroy people like Charlie sheen at a crack convention. Well I feel better now...